Friday, October 2, 2009

Mac vs. PC

I’m sure that we have all seen at least one of the Mac vs. PC commercials. I think they are a great example of the marketing of “coolness”. Apple presents Mac as this laid back, witty guy with all the answers. PC, on the other hand, is personified by this middle-aged, balding man in a brown suit. The ads focus on how Macs work hard and play hard- they are fun, efficient, and can do everything a PC can, but better. The PC is constantly stumbling over his words, out of the loop, and technologically behind. If you are watching this ad you’re saying to yourself why on earth would I want to be this old guy that’s constantly messing stuff up? Apple is making sure the consumer sees their computers as stylish, efficient, and most importantly, desirable. They are telling you that you want a Mac because you definitely don’t want to be this other guy and you need a Mac because PC’s just don’t work as well. This ad campaign has been extremely successful in my opinion because they have successfully given PCs this stigma as the “old guy” computer- if you want a computer that’s relevant in the here and now then you must have a Mac. Microsoft later came out with their own commercials attempting to prove to the public that they have users from all walks of life that are equally as unique as Mac users. I, however, was not convinced of their quality. (This is coming from a person who went through three PCs in two years and than switched to a Mac and has had it for four years now.) Check out the video below of some of the Mac vs. PC ads, I find them quite entertaining. 

1 comment:

  1. I was totally thinking of that when we learned about this in class!
