Thursday, October 8, 2009

False Conciseness and Partying

Living in NYC, we are constantly being bombarded by the glamourous nightlife that the city is so well known for. If you have ever made the error of accepting the friend request of a club promoter on Facebook, you know the endless messages and status updates that promise to dominate your mini feed. These club promoters give the illusion of the most happening parties, with the most successful, fashionable people in all of New York all congregating in one fabulous place. Here is one status of a club promoter I know "Empire Hotel Rooftop is the most Trendy and Social Affair on a thursday night. Beautiful & sexy ppl inhabit this lounge to hear the tantalizing and the body rocking music of DJ Rich Kid...It's the place where business attire and the trendy socialites from all over come together" These messages are part of the marxist idea of consciousness, the ruling class (in this case club owners) wants to give a certain message to the mass's about their product and the certain people they will become by using it. While this all may seem appealing and wonderful, many aspects of the partying lifestyle are not always in our best interests. 

Physically, constantly going to high profile clubs can become tolling on our sleep cycle and general health. However, the money that it takes to live this life is also not something to be overlooked. Here is where the false conciseness comes into play. Initially, promoters invite people for free to lure them into the clubbing lifestyle but quickly the expenses begin to add up. Many people feel the pressure to buy tables and bottles at clubs, something that in NY can easily add up to a few hundred plus a night. Living the lifestyle that the ruling class wants us to leads us to buying into something that is not always right for us. In this case, the glamorous, expensive, partying lifestyle is something that many people think they need to become a part of, often ignoring the costs that comes along with it. 

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