Friday, October 16, 2009

Viagra Commercials during Yankee Games!

This past weekend when watching the Yankee games I couldn't help but notice how many Viagra commercials there were. Almost every commercial break, the same Viagra commercial was running (the game began at 6pm). I couldn't help but question if this was appropriate. Clearly the advertisers figure that the majority of people watching the playoffs are men, however there are also many families watching the game, especially considering the early start time. The commercial shows a man trying to build up the courage to ask his doctor about his erectile dysfunction. After talking to his doctor about the problem the man becomes immediately  confident, takes a woman (possibly his wife?) out to lunch and it appears that they are both celebrating his re-found ability. 

While many younger viewers may not be able to fully understand this commercial, for the rest of us, watching the commercial with our parents seems unnecessarily awkward. Advertisers are smart, they know that a high percentage of men are watching sports on television, especially during the post season. In addition to their absurd amounts of commercials, Viagra is also sponsoring this years MLB playoffs. On the MLB website, the milestone moments of the playoffs are also sponsored by Viagra. While I understand Viagra's fiscal motives for airing their commercials during baseball games this October, they (or the FCC) should be aware that these games are not being watched just by men, but also by women and families. Parents, Children and Erectile Dysfunction do not go well together.

Here is the commercial for those of you who haven't seen it all over TV

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