Friday, October 23, 2009

Saw XI

The idea of genre films is pretty interesting. These types of films seem very formulaic and specific so that is obviously why many films do not fall under the categories. I thought that it was interesting when Saw was brought up as perhaps being a horror movie. I have seen the first three Saw movies. Unfortunately (or not) I have not seen the most recent three. These movies are very gruesome and are all about killing and feed into our fascination with blood and guts. This is interesting, the fact that people do love scary and gruesome horror movies. Why? I guess because we enjoy being freaked out and playing along with the game that is involved. I do admit that I think Saw movies are pretty clever in terms of the games and the acts of human torture that are played on people based on the things that Jigsaw sees as being wrong in their lives. The fact that this could even happen in real life is scary to me. I am pretty good about scary movies though and know that they are not real and that all of the contraptions and blood are fake. This comfort only goes so far as you are jumping out of your seat and putting your hand over your eyes. The gruesome aspects to these movies is really intense and kind of disgusting. But, that didn't really stop me from watching or enjoying somewhat the first three movies. After a while I think the idea of Saw has gotten a little bit old, but apparently people are into it and want to see more gruesome video year after year.

A horror genre movie has attributes of a conflict between rational and scientific thought. The idea is that there are all monsters within us and many times the upper class uses traditional methods to kill the monster. One main idea is that science shouldn't be allowed to take over tradition that is in place. I am trying to figure out if Saw necessarily fits into this horror genre or if it is just a guesome film. The part about the upper class trying to kill the monster is very relevant to the film and the idea that monsters are within all of us. Jigsaw, who started this whole project to show people a lesson (and ultimately killing them through this torture) and he was a regular person at one time, and unleashed the monster within him and started these games. As the movies progress, seemingly normal people take over the work of Jigsaw and become monsters themselves, showing that it is within some of us. The part about science and rationality is a little bit harder to find. The only thing I can really think of is the scary contraptions and games that are played that are very clever. I'm struggling somewhat with the scientific aspect of it, which is what would make it a horror movie for sure. Jigsaw never directly kills anyone, but he makes people hurt themselves in order to better appreciate life. It seems sick and it is, and thats why I'm pretty sure it should be labeled a gruesome film, not necessarily a horror flick.

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