Friday, October 16, 2009

Applications for everyhing

In the past two days I have seen more advertisements for iphone applications than ever before.  What started as a few extra benefits has turned into an infinite supply of information.  The last advertisement I saw was promoting the best places to kiss someone.  It seems as though apple is making applications for everything, so we, as individuals don’t have to lift a finger anymore. 

The iphone attempts, pretty successfully, to cater to everyone.  The applications have a wide range of subjects, some of which are stock market watching, trend following, GPS, parenting advice, making reservations, mapping your craving, etc.  While I don’t have an iphone, I am also accustomed to having everything at my fingertips.  I am able to receive email, download music, capture images and audio recordings, view maps, and much more.  I think that with this excess individuals are becoming too reliant on their wide range of technologies and it is becoming harder for us to feel entertained.  Is it that hard to remember where you parked your car?... well lucky for us, the iphone has an application that marks where you parked your car, providing the you with detailed directions to return to your parked car.

While it is not bad for the consumer to purchase these applications, there is some sense of a false consciousness in this case because the iphone encourages constant improvement and upgrades.  Hence to stay up with the trends you must purchase whatever the new technology is.  All of these applications support the need to be “ahead of the game” or “in the know”.

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