Sunday, October 25, 2009

Disney Lessons

After our class discussion last time, I started thinking about the different Disney movies and the different lessons taught in each of them. While I agree with all the arguments in our reading I do think that the messages portrayed in these movies are representative of the beliefs society had at the time. If we look at Disney movies now, specially the movies made along with Pixar, we can see a different set of messages sent to children and parents. Starting with the adorable "Finding Nemo" (which taught us about friendship and family love) and ending with "Cars" (which teaches us about good sportsmanship), we can see that Disney movies do not send a fictitious message to children nowadays. Instead, they teach kids lessons they can apply to every day life. I feel like Disney stories are not about that fairy tale ending anymore but more about lessons that build character and prepare children for adult life. Also, I believe that these movies also target older audiences as some of them deal with themes that people of more age deal with in daily life.
As we continue to watch movies from Disney, we should think about the social implications of the time when the movies were created. Maybe as times keep changing, the lessons taught in these movies will change as well.

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