Friday, October 9, 2009

Avant Garde is SO NOT DEAD

So I was looking for some images to use for my paper, and I remembered that my favorite rapper (Kanye West)is also an art and fashion connoisseur. On his blog site you can find the most interesting things. Seriously, no bias. He's brought together images from high and low culture in a sort of synergy that is more than impressive.

As an example I offer this image by AlexandFelix I stole from his page:

Thirteen Queens

There is more where this came from.
Then click "Avant Garde" on the right for more Art.

Maybe, just maybe we should give him some credit aside from the arrogance.
Kanye may be the voice of our generation, or at least an astounding one. Either way, I'm glad he reminded me that the Avant Garde is still alive and kicking.

Beyonce did say he was "standing up for art" in the whole TSwift incident.

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