Friday, October 16, 2009

Hey Shorty.

My Korean mom has always been concerned about my height (and my three other siblings' as well). She would give us the "drink lots of milk, stretch everyday, etc." lecture so often, I naturally grew up extremely self-conscious about height. She's a small woman, maybe 5"1' and I could tell she was determined not to let her children be scrawny. But I thought my mother was too obsessed with height, and maybe she was, yet how can I be resentful towards a mother's heart? Anyway, the point is that recently, I have come to realize that it is not just my mother being crazy about height, but that it is just a hegemonic ideal being pushed into our consciousness.

When we look at / meet someone, we notice height almost immediately. In a heterosexual relationship, the men are expected to be taller than the women. So what is the big deal with height? Why does it matter how tall someone is? In America's Next Top Model this season, Tyra Banks chose contestants all under 5'7, to show that short models can make it in the industry as well. That a model does not necessarily have to be 5'9 to be successful. Yet in almost all of the episodes, one of the judges comment on how a model "looks too short" in the final photo. This week, Tyra congratulated Laura for using the prop to elongate her body and make her look taller. Wait- I thought this show was about embracing whatever height you are, and not trying to look like you're 5'9.

As Gitlin discusses, most TV shows reflect the society's state, structure, and hegemonic ideals. It seems like our society favors tallness and height- even the TV shows that are supposed to be supporting the shorter people. Maybe being tall is symbolic of power and strength. Since the beginning of human history, we ruled and conquered over people, and survived after various power struggles. We looked up to leaders who had charisma. I guess being tall could scare people or bring them to be fond of you. Whatever the reason, today we are still conscious and drawn to one's height. But now, I would argue height really does not matter, if it means replacing one's character or personality. We live in a complicated society, with many demands, expectations, and obligations. So if you have a selfish heart, but are tall and well-built, sooner or later people will see through you. Good physical features do not make-up for a lack of personality or a poor heart. At least that is what I hope we all believe.

For this America's Next Top Model season's episodes, click here.

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