Friday, October 23, 2009

Disney exposed...literally...

I'm sure you have all heard about the suggestive material that makes it into disney movies, or maybe you have noticed it on your own. However, I found a web presentation that clearly displays all of them. The most widely known mishap is when the dust is carried into the night sky in the lion king and it spells out the word sex. That is the only one I had heard about but this page shows all the others. Personally I feel that most of them are merely coincidences, but one was ridiculous. It came from the 1977 version of the rescuers, and there is the image of a naked woman in one of the windows as two of the characters ride by in a buggy. There is no way that happened by accident because the image is quite vivid once you notice it. A few of the ideas are farfetched, but still disturbing nonetheless.

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