Friday, October 2, 2009

Freedom can come in a Perfume Bottle too

While I was browsing for ideas for my blog post this week an advertisement for some perfume popped up and blocked my screen.  In what seemed to be a British woman’s accent, a 15 second dialog explained, “I began to long for disorder… For someone who’d let me breath… Sometimes… You have to run away from what you want… To find out what you really need”.  With the lack of visual information, I was very confused as to what this advertisement was promoting.  The woman then stopped speaking and the video switched to a shot of three perfume bottles entitled “Life Threads”.  I guess these are the three things women really need right now?

            I was interested as to why these were such a necessity and why they were entitled “Life Threads”.  After watching the video I went to the perfume brand’s website to see if I could get more information on the title of the perfume.  The description for these perfumes stated, “Life's tapestry is rich with entanglements, connections and mysteries waiting to be unraveled. We like to think we cherish freedom with no strings attached, but in our heart of hearts we know...the ties that bind are the only ones that count.”  This statement says nothing about the perfume itself, but what it is supposed to symbolize.  As Sturken and Cartwright explained advertisements “operate with a presumption of relevance that allows them to make inflated statements about necessity of their products” (p.276).  Because women have the choice to choose between the three scents, silver, gold and platinum within the Life Threads collection, it connotes a sense of freedom of some sort, “speaking to different dimensions of women” (  While this statement does not directly translate when looking at the perfumes, it is the attached value that connotes a sense of freedom for women.

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