Thursday, November 5, 2009

Not So Happily Ever After

Our discussions involving Disney and idyllic portrayals of our favorite childhood fairy tales these past few weeks, and especially our most recent discussion on the article "The Subject of Visual Culture" and the relationship between visual representation and our culture. We talked about our internal organization/categorization of the world in terms of what we are accustomed to seeing visually. Oftentimes, when things are depicted in a manner that is out of the ordinary (for example, in advertisements) our attention is captured by the shock value and perhaps even uncomfortable feeling we could get from exposure to this sort of "otherness."

This all made me think of "Fallen Princesses", an art project I once saw (which obviously succeeded in sticking with me) that placed our beloved Disney princesses (and Red Riding Hood) within scenes from the harsh "real world" of today. The point of the project is to show Disney's princesses "juxtaposed with real issues that were affecting women" to make that statement. I'll leave the photos themselves up to you to interpret ;)

Fallen Princesses <- Click! ((Seriously...go look at them. They're pretty deep.))

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