Thursday, November 5, 2009


Genetic Tests for UK Asylum Seekers Draw Criticism - ABC News

So I found this article today that talks about the UK's new program for immigrant control. The system uses genetic testing as a way to prove nationality for those claiming asylum. This, of course, makes no sense, because as the very astute genecist quoted in the article says, "Genes are not aware of national borders". Supporters argue you can tell where a person has been by something in his DNA, but I mean how accurate is that? It's an opt-in system, but how would I look if I said no? Not black enough to be a refugee?

This article made me think of Fanon's concerns with Blackness being something you can physically exemplify. The British government is taking it to whole other level, and a whole other century. Ugh, social Darwinism ring a bell? I'm sorry but there is nothing that ties me to my country other than the fact that I am ideologically driven to call myself an American, and an African American at that. Honestly, I think Charlize Theron is more African than Iam but that's a matter of semiotics. Truth is nationalism is only a label. Find another excuse to keep the black folks out, Britain.

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