Sunday, November 8, 2009

Getting their paws on our views

We are affected by hegemony even in the aspect of pets. Seen in television shows, commercials, movies and etc. there is always the perfect yellow lab or golden retriever. It's embedded in peoples minds to want one of these dogs. Even from childhood we are exposed to this appeal. It's often seen in movies, when the kids open a christmas box that actually has a puppy in it, it's generally a tiny lab or retriever. They are portrayed as the most cute, perfect, adventurous, cuddly dogs. Some key examples are:

Comet from full house:


The Cottonelle commercials:


In "Ai rBud" which brought about "Air Buddies" as well


In "Marley and Me"

The list is endless, I'm sure you have many examples of your own that you remember. My point is just that , even areas of our lives that seem petty and unimportant cannot escape hegemonic ideas and subliminal control.

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