Friday, November 13, 2009

I wasn't "expecting" that

Generally when I, along with most people, think of a middle aged soon-to-be mother the images that cross my mind are those of happy couples, baby showers, tiny colorful clothes, and excited families. But that is certainly not always the case. I saw this ad and I feel stupid to say that I was shocked because I'm fully aware that things like this happen it is just disturbing to actually see them.


This advertisement is part of a three ad series, the other two are an elderly woman with a cut lip and a black eye, and a young child witnessing an act of abuse.

These kinds of incidences aren't those that people associate with violence when they think of the word, but that doesn't make them any less real.

Usually I am annoyed by ads that I feel are trying too hard to get attention but I don't feel that this one is. Yes, it is graphic but it isn't purely for a charity organization. It's for the women's shelter. They do take donations but I don't feel like they are tricking people into sympathizing for this woman just so they can make money by putting out these ads. I think they are actually trying to provoke an awareness in people that this does happen. Even though we have been brought up to believe that having a child is the most beautiful experience and that there is "no glow like the glow of a pregnant woman" it is not always such a flowery happy time in a women's life.

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