Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Boogie Night: Sex, Porn, and Gender Representations

I remember the first time I saw Boogie Nights. I thought the concept was fantastic—it’s about a pornographer who is convinced that he can make that industry one of “art” not just “sex.” It’s a film by P.T. Anderson that follows Eddie Adams, played by Mark Wahlberg, as he is transformed into the porn star nick-named “Dirk Diggler” by porn director Jack Horner, played by Burt Reynolds, who is trying to revolutionize the porn-industry by adding actual plot-lines and acting to supplement the sex in the films. I think this is a film that is interesting to observe gender representations in because one of the most blatant themes in the film is that of sex. The film centers around Eddie Adams, a high school student who is “discovered” because he is well-endowed. He enters the porn industry with trepidation, in part to spite his mother. In his first scene, he is “partnered” with Amber Waves, played by Julianne Moore, a strong female character who is a regular in Jack Horner’s films. She is confident in her sexuality and with her job and never feels exploited or used. She also, strangely enough, acts as sort of the mother figure on set and among Horner’s regular porn-actors. She takes on both male and female characteristics; male ones of being desensitized to emotions during sex and female ones with her caring nature and motherly instincts.

Meanwhile, Dirk becomes more stereotypically male as he starts to realize the power of his “manhood,” so to speak. As he becomes famous in the porn-industry, he gets caught up in the hype of it all and involved with all of the drugs and fame. When filming one scene, he tells Jack “You’re not the boss of me, Jack. You’re not the king of Dirk. I’m the boss of me. I’m the king of me. I’m Dirk Diggler. I’m the star. It’s my big dick and I say when we roll.” It’s interesting that the physical characteristics of being male readily contribute to his arrogant-male mindset.

The clip below shows Amber talking to Dirk right before they’re set to have sex on film—the first time for Dirk, a standard routine for Amber. You can see their business-like interaction about something so much more sexual. Amber’s sweet and feminine characteristics are also played up, but they make her appear stronger and more confident than Dirk. Overall, it’s an interesting gender dynamic, and if you haven’t seen this movie, you definitely should!

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