In class this week we learned about how Black's are represented in society and how certain stereotypes are associated with them. In order to be sexy and attractive, black people need to have big butts and huge hips that give them the curve in their figure. Men look for those qualities when they look at black women but they only have this set ideology because that is what is stressed in the media. That is all they see so they stereotype black women into those categories. For example Beyonce, has the ideal black women body figure. She is known to be extremely talent but is also praised for her sex appeal and how she can shake her butt.
Another black female who was praised for her sex appeal was Tina Turner. In the 90's Tina Turner was a talented singer who needed to still appear her sexual body parts to become famous in the U.S. In her poster, she has big boobies and a very thin figure while having huge hair. Big hair was associated with black women and was known to be sexy. If you look at Tina Turners style she wore clothes that were very low cut and short which showed off her legs and boobies. For black women in the 90s sex appeal was necessary to become famous or no one appreciated or looked at them.
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