Friday, November 13, 2009

Black Eyed Peas and Orientalism?

We're all victims of it. Assuming we know have that right to even pretend to know what other cultures are really like. Exoticizing places like Jamaica for their beautiful scenery despite the fact that residents of the place may actually be oppressed and unhappy. Even in our "post racial" society, orientalism continues to show up, unchecked. I would argue that it's the acceptable form of racism in our day that is just NOT okay. Take a look at this video by the Black Eyed Peas, "Meet Me Halfway". What in the world makes Fergie think she's so exotically hot, and really? Arabs on the moon? I mean come on, what is this video saying about positionality and the Western discourse of us vs the other? And this coming from the "socially conscious" Black Eyed Peas? I'm not so convinced.

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