Friday, November 13, 2009

The End of the World - Except for Whites.

Today, the film 2012 was released to the public. After reading and discussing the article by Hall ("The Whites of Their Eyes") one can notice that most films or TV shows are through the "White eyes" perspective. For this film, the main characters are a white family, and most of the film seems like it is centered upon white people. Yes, there are snippets of other nationalities in it, but the main focus is on America, and its White people, even though the population of America is not only White Caucasians.

Just quickly looking at the trailer, it is easy to pass the movie as just a suspense film that might possibly be entertaining, but what does this truly say to us? Whites are superior and worthy of survival. Other nations will perish, but America and the White race will find a way to overcome the destruction of earth.

Also, the topic of an Apocalypse or the end of the world has been going around for a while, so it seems natural that someone would make a film out of it to scare the public. As Hall discusses in another article ("Representation") human beings find things troublesome if they do not fit in a category neatly. The unknown or the abnormal are all treated as something threatening or taboo, so this fear is directly reflected in the film. However, something tells me that this Columbia pictures film made for the public will not end in tragedy. In this capitalist society, movies must be happy-endings because that will bring people and money right?

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