Friday, November 13, 2009

Gaga Hysteria

I know Margo just did a Lady Gaga post, but I'm looking at another aspect of her brand. Her newest music video for "Bad Romance" was just released a couple days ago. At first I thought it was innovative in a bizarre and zany way, but after watching the 'behind-the-scenes' of the making of the video I'm actually appalled.
It's difficult to accurately explain the video, and I will sound like a crazy person if I try.
The main premise, which I completely overlooked initially because I was overwhelmed by how much was going on in the video, is the fact that Lady Gaga is performing to be sold to a male bidder. This made me think about our discussion regarding the Hottentot Venus. Although Lady Gaga's situation is not the same, at all, it still normalizes the notion that women are literal objects and can be bought an sold even in a fictional music video. During the second verse of the song, Lady Gaga is dancing provocatively wearing next to nothing for a group of men. At one point goes as far as to provide a lap dance for one of the men.
Finally, the man decides to purchase her and in the final scenes she sets their bed on fire, killing him. The last shot is decidedly creepy. Lady Gaga is laying on the incinerated bed, next to the burnt skeleton of the man who purchased her, dressed provocatively, with sparks flying out of her bra.
One can argue that it is empowering for women because at the end Lady Gaga cannot deal with being bought and sold. However, I think it perpetuates the image of hysterical women. Instead of rebelling against her slavehood in any other way, she blows up their bed killing the man. This idea is repeatedly seen in the media. When a man kills his wife he is seen as a heartless, vicious murderer. When a woman kills her husband she is seen as hysterical and crazy.
Now, millions of people will watch this video thinking it is Lady Gaga at her best and quirkiest, when really its a video displaying the objectification of women and their misguided hysteria.

Behind the scenes video

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