Thursday, December 10, 2009

So I was just watching one of the new episodes of "Scrubs" on Hulu and up pops one of those one minute long commercial break interruptions and I just had to pause in the middle of the show to blog about it, as it was about Ambien, the sleeping pill :P
The first 15 seconds of the commercial features a rooster (cultural sign/image icon woohoo!) following a woman around with a voice-over asking, "Still tired of morning coming at the middle of the night? Still tired the next day, too?" By 0:17 the tired woman is tucking herself into bed peacefully because Ambien "helps you fall asleep quickly" (with a small caption at the bottom that reads "Dramatization" haha). By 0:22 the narrator is already reading off the warnings and side effects for using Ambien....and continues to do so for the next 36 seconds (with more captions detailing additional warnings) before smoothly transitioning into a suggestion to "ask your doctor about Ambien" during the last two seconds of the commercial.
While all of these warnings and disclaimers are going on, the video shows the obnoxious rooster leaving the woman's room and going away down the street as she sleeps peacefully and wakes up refreshed in the morning. Apparently, the possibility of sleepwalking, driving with memory loss, and possible risk of suicide and fatality aren't really that important when it comes to getting your 6-7 hours of sleep and making the rooster go away. Go figure.

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