Friday, December 11, 2009

Oh capitalism.

As we have discussed in class, science / scientific "back-up" naturally allows us to feel more secure about a product or issue. The discussion of Yaz and birth control pills made me think twice about how people are advertising these "safer sex" products to women. Most products have extreme side-effects, such as heart attack, stroke, and blood clots in the heart, lung, or brain. Yet no one is outraged, protesting against these pills. We have become so used to hearing the short blurb about possible negative side-effects. Also, the advertisements are strategically ordered and presented so the audience does not really get too riled up about the serious side-effects.

I found the birth control pill information site by Planned Parenthood. It seems like the reason why medical products' websites and advertisements discuss the negative symptoms so casually at the end of the ad (or page) is to achieve maximum profit. The website's information about "the disadvantages of using the birth control pill" does not straight up even say heart attack, stroke, etc. in the list, but after 5 paragraphs, at the end. In our capitalist society, the driving force is money. Is it too harsh to say that the driving force for money is greed? Maybe I'm getting too cynical, but the truth is, many people are deceived and exploited by companies, corporations, and other people, for money and profit. These birth control ads and websites are trying to prevent unwanted pregnancies, but at the same time, they are doing their best to rake in as much money as they can get. It is difficult to trust anything when you see that our society is based on deception and greed.

(However, not to be such a downer, I believe advertisements can be used to compel, interest, and bring people together to do things that are good as well.)

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