This week in class we talked a lot about Soap and that America is obsessed with the idea about being clean and sterile. Today in our world, everything is made of steal or plastic so that germs do not get on the products we use everyday. But as we talked about Soap I found it interesting that New York City, the biggest City in America is extremely dirty. When we walk down the streets of New York there is trash everywhere and it is definitely no the cleanest place. Foreigner's who usually come to New York to view America may think this is what our nation is composed of. We may stress cleanliness but in reality the streets of our country are dirty and it smells really bad as well. The subway system is terrible also. In countries like Japan and Korea the subway system is highly maintained, clean, and is presentable to the public. If a Korean came to New York and rode the subway's here they would consider the U.S. the supreme nation to be a cheap nation that cannot afford their citizens with a nice subway system.
If you really look into American's are not really clean. We impose and act like we are but if you really look into the realities we are not clean.
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