When I think of raisins, I think of the ultimate healthy snack. I remember recycling dozens of mini cardboard boxes at the preschool I worked everyday. This is what we give the kiddies to help them grow up big and strong.
So when I saw an article questioning Sun Maid Raisin Company's decision to slim down their mascot, I knew right then and there this was one of those biopower issues Foucault talks about. Just like the soap ADs in the McClintock piece, Sun Maid is perpetuating an image the state wants to maintain. Looks like the Sun Maid girl was put on a diet. She is no longer than full figured homely girl we remember. Instead, the state wants people to believe that skinny=healthy. No more fat people in America!
giving the new Sun-Girl a makeover might be a good idea since she has looked the same for most of a century