I'm sure everyone is aware of the semi-new vaccine "Gardasil". The vaccine is targeted at preventing HPV, with could prevent forms of cervical cancer. When it was first released I remember handfuls of my friends going to get it. So of course as a dumb consumer I decided that maybe it was a good idea to get it as well. It's sad to say that I did no research on it first, when I asked my mom if it was a good idea she said sure, so I went ahead and got the series of three shots. As time goes on there are more and more controversies linked to this vaccine. It's been released that three girls actually died just hours after getting the shot. Two of the girls were only 12 and 19. All of their deaths were due to blood clotting or heart problems.
"the 1,637 adverse vaccination reactions reported to the FDA via the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) included 371 serious reactions. Of the 42 women who received the vaccine while pregnant, 18 experienced side effects ranging from spontaneous abortion to fetal abnormities "
In the commercial they are promoting female empowerment, and the control over your own body. They show that YOU have the choice to protect yourself. But really in this case the risks of side-effects greatly outweigh the benefits of this vaccine because though human papilloma virus is scary it is also treatable, it isn't necessarily life threatening. Do you really want to be One-Less?
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