Thursday, December 3, 2009

Really Disturbing

I know this doesn't have anything to do with what we are currently learning, but I felt the need to post this add because it was so disturbing to me.

While researching for another class, I came across this add. Its intended purpose is to bring awareness to global warming. We talked about how the media often promotes images for shock value, but in this case I can't understand why it was necessary to go this far. I am curious what all of you think about this advertisement. Do you think this is an effective commercial? I personally felt they could have made it more clear how the commercial relates to global warming. Even when they state a fact at the end relating to the weight of polar bears , it doesn't make since to me to relate it to global warming.

Just watch it!,0,5936630.htmlstory,0,5936630.htmlstory

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