Friday, December 11, 2009

Science, Religion, and Holy Cows

This week we talked about scientific looking and how it is a discourse like every other. We are still in that Enlightenment mentality that says science = truth, when in reality it is subject to bias like every other. Corporations fund studies, governments mandate vaccinations, and DNA evidence can convict almost anybody.

You know the discourse of science has spiraled out of control when it is being used to prove everything under the sun. We have been indoctrinated with the science vs religion but even that seems to collapse under the weight of science.

I found this video of a cow born in Connecticut with what looks like a cross on his forehead. (Actually I think it looks more like a lightning bolt. Reminds me of Harry Potter, or Lady Gaga.) The owner proclaims it must be "divine intervention" because she knows all about "reproduction and genetics". Really? I don't know if the cross on the calf's forehead is at all a message to us lowly beings, but I do know one thing, those breeders were pretty quick to call the local news. How sacred is a cow that's used for press? really what the breeders want is "higher milk prices". I don't think Jesus would want to further raise the cost of living his people are already jobless, hungry, and in debt.

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