Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Interpellation & Gatorade: Is it in YOU ?

One of the most effective uses of interpellation that I can think of is Gaterade’s ongoing sports campaign using the slogan “Is It In You?” Interpellation is successful when the viewer feels like the message touches he or she personally, but also addresses a large group of people for which the message is meaningful. Gatorade’s slogan does just that, and the Gatorade campaign has been successful throughout the years. Their trademark saying, “Is it In You” can mean so much to so many different people, yet it is still appealing to the masses. Capitalizing on famous sports players, and having a constant presence on sidelines has allowed the brand to become synonymous with sports, victories, and hard work. After all, whenever a championship is won, the coach ALWAYS gets shocked with a jug of Gatorade poured over their head, and that big orange bin has become a staple on the sidelines of athletic events. Taglines such as “It’s knowing you belong out there” and “It’s never wanting to stop,” followed by “Is It In You?” challenge the viewer.

Growing up playing soccer all my life, I had these advertisements taped all over my walls, especially the ones of Mia Hamm, the then famous female soccer player who helped lead the Women’s World Cup team to the national championship in 1999. I was so inspired by the stories of the female players on the team, how hard they worked, and the sacrifices they made to get to where they were in life. After seeing the ads of Mia Hamm endorsing Gatorade, I wanted to prove that whatever she had in her that pushed her to work so hard, I had in me, too. Gatorade claims “it” is in people like Mia Hamm and Michael Jordan, and then challenges the viewer personally if “it” is also in them- if they have what it takes. “It” is many different things for many different people, and this simple question raises an inspiring challenge. Gatorade successfully uses interpellation to reach a mass audience while also challenging each person individual: “Is It In You?”

Is It In You Gatorade Commercial:

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